Monday, April 25, 2016


Ona ope wa po. We will always be grateful to God almighty for bringing us together for great meetings. Our appreciation goes to our host the Auburnites for the great hospitality and special thanks to all families and guest who joined us. Now all eyes en route of Montgomery come June. Below are some captures of the meeting.

 Mr. President

 Mr. Lawal
 Mrs. Popoola

 Mrs. Dawodu

 Mrs. Fadamiro and Moni Fadamiro

 The Executive members

 Mrs. Dawodu, Dr and Dr Mrs. Okeowo

 Prof. Sodeke

 Mrs. Babatunde

 Miss Grace Badewa

 Birthday Celebrants

 Dr and Mrs. Badewa

 Prof. Ayanwale

 Dr and Mrs. Badewa