*If you subscribe to Newsweek Magazine, then like me you would have been pleasantly surprised to see a two page article in this week's copy - pages 26 and 27 by Prof. Wole Soyinka. The subject is sad. Heavy even. Titled the "Butchers of Nigeria", it talks about the corrupt Nigerian government that has allowed, maybe even fostered the growth of Boko Haram, a sect terrorizing the country currently. Please feel free to visit newsweek.com to read the article in its entirety. Well done for bringing the attention of the international community to what is going on in Nigeria.
This article is not about terrorism or corruption in Nigeria. Those are discussions for another day and another place.
This is just to highlight "one of us", a celebrated Yoruba literary giant, having an article in this week's Newsweek magazine, a small feat when you realize the man has also won a Nobel prize. A literary giant. Or at least that's what's he seemed to be to the child that I was in the '70s and eighties.
He was born on the 13th of July 1934. A writer, poet and playwright, some consider him Africa's most distinguished playwright, and maybe Nigerian's foremost dramatist,
as evidenced by him winning the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1986 for his groundbreaking works that fuse literature and politics, Western and African traditions - the first African so honored.
Prof. Soyinka was born into a Yoruba family, specifically, an Egba family in Abeokuta in 1934. Soyinka’s passion for the written word stems from this childhood in Abeokuta, Western Nigeria, where he was inspired by his “long family of word-spinners” from whom he also “imbibed” his sense of justice. He received a primary school education in Abeokuta and attended secondary school at Government College, Ibadan. He then studied at the University College, Ibadan (1952-1954) and the University of Leeds (1954-1957) from which he received an honours degree in English Literature. He worked as a play reader at the Royal Court Theatre in London before returning to Nigeria to study African drama. He taught in the Universities of Lagos, Ibadan, and Ife (becoming Professor of Comparative Literature there in 1975).
Prof Soyinka has played an active role in Nigeria's political history. In 1967, during the Nigerian Civil War he was arrested by the then Federal Government of General Yakubu Gowon and put in solitary confinement for his attempts at brokering a peace between the warring parties. While in prison he wrote poetry which was published in a collection titled "Poems from Prison". He was released 22 months later after international attention was drawn to his imprisonment. His experiences in prison are recounted in his book "The Man Died: Prison Notes" He has been an outspoken critic of many Nigerian administrations, and of political tyrannies worldwide, including the Mugabe regime in Zimbabwe. A great deal of his writing has been concerned with "the oppressive boot and the irrelevance of the colour of the foot that wears it". His play, King Baabu (2001) satirises African dictatorships. “If the spirit of African democracy has a voice and a face, they belong to Wole Soyinka,” said the New York Times.
This activism has often exposed him to great personal risk, most notable during the government of the Nigerian dictator General Sani Abacha (1993-1998). During Abacha's dictatorship, he left the country on voluntary exile and has since been living abroad (mainly in the United States, where he was a professor at Emory University in Atlanta). When civilian rule returned in 1999, Prof. Soyinka accepted an emeritus post at Ife (now Obafemi Awolowo University) on the condition that the university bar all former military officers from the position of chancellor. Soyinka is currently the Elias Ghanem Professor of Creative Writing at the English department of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas and the President's Professor in residence at Loyola Marymount Institute at the University of Los Angeles, California, US.
In the field of literature, Prof Wole Soyinka is a household name. His books are used in classrooms everyday worldwide. He has left a footprint by encouraging youths that want to go into literature that they have a future. He has played a great role in the development of literature in Nigeria. He is also a mentor for the Rolex "Mentor and Protege Arts initiative" hence the photo shot above.
Soyinka’s latest work, You Must Set Forth at Dawn (2006), depicts his adult life and opposition to Nigeria’s corrupt regimes. The memoir follows on from his autobiography, Aké: The Years of Childhood (1981), and a long string of masterpieces written over a half-century.
Prof Soyinka says to the aspiring writers amongst us that the greatest lesson he can share is to "just sit down and write", it will all come together in the end...
And so I write...
*This article was put together by me from multiple sources including the current Newsweek magazine and the internet. Please let me know of errors/omissions and I'll be glad to rectify it.
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Funke Abolade, M.D
Social/Publicity Secretary
Excellent article on an icon, Prof. Soyinka. He continues to be an inspiration to all Yorubas and Africans in general. A few years ago I was on the same plane with him from Raleigh, NC to Atlanta. I had expected someone of his stature to be in the first class cabin (which would have the case had he stolen from our national treasury as many of our self imposed leaders) but there he was sitting quietly in the middle of the coach cabin. I had a brief chat with him and he told me he was on his way to California. When I raised a question about Nigeria I could see the pain and disappointment on his face. I realized then that the Prof. is a simple and humble man. Thank you Dr. Abolade for highlighting this hero, statesman, and highly accomplished son of the soil.
ReplyDeleteWow! You met a living legend! What are the chances that one of us in Yodaai had met this literary giant and activist in person and could give a little personal insight to the story?
ReplyDeleteAs I said to you before, there are no coincidences here, only the hand of "Him that declares the end from the beginning...."
My hope is that some of our children will read the article and be inspired to be the best that they can be in any field they choose...
Thanks for the writeup on the literature legend. He was in Birmingham a few years back during the Black History month for some lecture series. I believe Abacha was still living then. And a group of us (Nigerians) in B'ham were priviledged to have some chit chat with him after the lecture. I can attest to Dr Fadamiro's assertion that he was a very simple gentleman
ReplyDeleteeven to the point that I tried to recite a verse in his poem collection back to him (Abiku) I have both of his recent books. You must set forth at dawn, and Ake
I will look for those books, and bring it to the next meeting, should anyone care to borrow for a read. From his travels in South America and in the Islands,Dr Soyinka found that the Kings Court in Barbados is called Ilaro, and this stems from the fact that the inhabitants were originally from Ilaro, and another town in South America called (Bekuta) in short for those slaves from Abeokuta, and there is a Dahomey town too. All of this is in the book. You must set forth at Dawn. long live the sons and daughters of Oduduwa across the globe. Thanks for the write-up.
What a masterpiece. I have not met the professor in person butI met her daughter once at The University College Hospital in Ibadan. I read a few of the professor's books, but the one I was well informed about was "The Trial of Brother Jero" A drama . I memmorized almost he whole book and we staged a play out of the book. Now my hidden history: Lagelu Grammar School is a boys only school and I had to act as Amope ( The pitiful woman, wife of brother chume that was brainwashed by prophet Jero). It was not a pretty picture of me dressed up like a typical Yoruba woman. Overall the satirical display of a typical fake prophet that permeates the Nigerian reliogous theater was another example of the professor's insight into what was wrong and stilll wrong in our society . I hope in the nearest future we can bring the professor to Alabama . .. and so I am a prophet , a prophet by birth and inclinination . I was born with long hais. and my mother said I was ordained by God.... Thanks and have a nice week end more to come.
ReplyDeleteNow I really am speechless. Two of our members have met prof Soyinka in person and have provided added personal insight. Mr Dada, e se o. I am interested in borrowing those books from you, " Ake" & "you must set forth at Dawn". I remember the book Abiku and Dr Adediji or shall I say, Ms Amope, I remember watching the trials of brother Jero on T.V. I loved it. About bringing him to Alabama, be careful what you wish for because you might just get it.....
ReplyDeleteThis discussion is becoming even more interesting. @Mr. Dada, thanks for your contribution and for offering to bring some of Prof. Soyinka's books to the next meeting. Please sign me up. @Mr President the prophet, your account is quite revealing too. I think the teachers must have assigned the "Amope" character to you based on your caring ("motherly") nature - so please take it as a compliment. I too attended a boys only high school in my senior classes and did see some of those stuffs. @Dr Abolade, I would not be surprised if more YODAAI members have met Prof. Soyinka in person, so I suspect there will be additional insight either on this forum or at the next meeting.
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