Monday, November 21, 2016

It's that time of year again...

Ajodun 2016 is fast approaching and with it this year 
is the Annual Fund Raiser
Did you get your Invitation?


$5 Door raffles with great prizes to win!
A "Pop Up Yodaai Gift Store " 
with items that make unique beautiful gifts
 this holiday season all for sale!

Good Food, Music and Dancing Guaranteed!

Join the festivities if you are in town...
F. A

Saturday, November 5, 2016

The 2016 Yodaai Olympics / Picnic Part 3

Naming the Winners & Naming the Judges:
A Yoruba Naming Ceremony - Sort of...

Behold the Montgomery winners of the 100m dash.

The 2nd Place winners for Auburn

Birmingham  3rd place winners ...

Tug of War winners from Birmingham

2nd place winners from Montgomery

Happy 3rd place winners from Auburn, below!

Lemon and spoon race winners from Auburn

2nd place winners from Birmingham

Sac Race Winners from Montgomery below

2nd place Sac race below

3rd Place Sac Race from Birmingham below

Egg toss Competition winners

2nd place winners egg toss, below

Birmingham winners

Auburn winners

Our judges and the social secretary

Winning the catching the train - Montgomery, below

and now, the Trophy Handover

The city of Montgomery wins

Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!!!

And now a  naming ceremony that is long overdue...

Performed by the Chairman of the Board who asked all in favor of the names to say YEAH!

"Omobolanle" for the mother and "Adebola " for the son
All in favor said Yeah!!!

Donations for the newly named judge and her son, below.

 You guys are truly the best for coming to honor us with your presence every year

A great big thank you from all of us in Montgomery - we thank you for coming and competing, all in good spirits.

See you next year in Birmingham
F. A

Friday, October 28, 2016

The Annual Yodaai Olympics: Part 2

In which the men wrestled down the Short Puts and the ladies caught the train...(long Story!)

And so the events carried on and so did the 
participants and judges...

 On to the Short Put...

 Mr President, going first for Birmingham.

Mr Secretary, below, taking his turn for Birmingham...

And the host city reps next...

Throw it, brother!

Look at that thing flying...

Then the Auburnites took their turn...

Measuring the distance...

The Auburn Cheer squad below..

Awon Alagba, below...

And now, the ladies are going to catch the train below, 
with Montgomery on the left, Birmingham on the right 
Auburn nowhere to be seen...

They will unpack & play dress up, sans mirror

 Tie their geles and complete a traditional yoruba attire, pack up again and make a dash for the finish line...

The lady from Birmingham is done dressing up 
and is off to the finish line

While the lady from Montgomery is looking for something???

She's off and gone, below!

And home dry but does that mean she wins??

Welcome home, finally, to the lady from Montgomery!

You must both be so exhausted...

E kaa bo s'o ri eto yi o

And Montgomery wins this one, just based on sheer will power and graceful coordination,

Coming up : Part 3 - The winners and a naming ceremony